Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Readers United Book Reviews | People Like Us

Betsy Overstrum '20 reviews People Like Us, an intense mystery you won't want to put down

People Like Us by Dana Mele

Reviewed by Betsy Overstrum ’20

Image result for people like us book
Kay Donovan is a student at Bates Academy in the process of reinventing her image as she continues to struggle with her difficult past. She’s one of the popular girls now (a change from her old self) and is on track for a college soccer scholarship (mostly for her parents). 
Kay’s world is turned upside down when she finds the body of one of her classmates in the school’s lake. Suicide is a possibility, but an investigation must take place. Days later, Kay receives an email from the dead student. How is that possible? Is it possible? A link to a revenge blog is included in which Kay must complete a series of tasks within a certain amount of time or the secrets of her past and the pasts of her closest friends will be exposed. What did Kay do to deserve this? Not one character walks without flaws, which puts them all on the list of possible murderers with Kay’s name at the top of the list. Along the journey, Kay becomes close (very close) with another student at Bates who is extremely tech savvy and can hopefully destroy the revenge blog. Although, no one is ever who they really seem, so is blog destruction possible? Join Kay and the Bate’s community as they work to uncover the murder mystery. Is all of this work worth it, Kay? You can answer that one, but ask yourself: what would you do to hide your deepest secrets? 
Verdict:People Like Us will lead you down a winding road with hundreds of side streets but only one destination. Hop in the car and prepare for a bumpy ride. 

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